Friday, April 13, 2007


I have been overwhelmed at how popular my blog has become. It has made me realize just how much I have to offer the world. Therefore, I will be starting a ASK VIOLA section on the blog. Just type in your questions on love, money, relationships, health, or the future and check back the next day for my amazing wisdom. I just want to be a servant.



Kimberly said...
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coffeechica said...

dear harpsichord, (i like that better... it's ur middle name, right?!)
i am having problems with my future husband. the fact is, i am getting really annoyed!!! he will never communicate properly with me and refuses to make serious plans! but i -on the other hand- am just DYING to get married!!
i mean he's cute so why not?! oh wait, i've never actually seen him, but i assume someone w/ the screenname, hotcupcake#1 has to be good looking, right?

please please give me advice!

coffeechica said...

...should i try using THE MOST AMAZING HERBS ON EARTH? i've heard it helps everything!

Viola said...

Dear Older Woman;

Yes it matters, but not for you. You see the average woman lives up to 20 years of her life as a widow. So the way I figure it, if you get one of these young ones you won't have to deal with a second marriage. Also, if you get one young enough he's not set in his ways yet and you can manipulate him into doing whatever you want. (which is obviously the best way to have a happy marriage.)

Viola said...

One more thought to the Older Woman; I strongly suggest you DO NOT pick the Tubist, you and your children will live to regret it. Trust me on this one.

Viola said...

Dear Cupcake Lover;

Be careful of screen names that seem obvious. You know how in church, the people who can't sing are always begging to get up front? Well, it's the same way with men. If they think they are hot, chances are you may need a paper bag at the reception to help everyone keep their food down. As far as making plans, let's just face it, he's not that into you. When a guy is serious about getting hitched, they do it. When they want their egos stroked they set up web pages called Hotcupcake#1. I am inclined to believe that a man who calls himself hotcupcake#1 doesn't hold down a real job. So you may want to lace up your Nike's and run like the wind.

Viola said...


Yes, you should use THE MOST AMAZING HERBS ON EARTH, especially if you want an amazing head of hair and a chin that is hair free.


coffeechica said...

wow! you have so much wisdom!! thanks!

i am curious if you know my true identity?! hehe if so you probably realize my question is a joke LOL

Viola said...


No but now Yes.

Miss Swamp said...

Heeellllooo, Viola! You, like probably don't remember me and stuff, but I used to like hang with your Mom. Oh how I totally, like miss the amazing harp music. Anywho...I like saw your blog and stuff and thought that I would like ask you a question that has been like, I don't know, like confusin' me for like a long time and stuff. So, like anyway, like do you like ever wonder like about the ATM machines. I know that this seems kinda like silly and stuff and normally I'm like totally full of like courage and stuff, but I always wonder... do the people in the bank like look and laugh at me later? Can you like help me a stuff? Some times I get like really nervous and kinda go a bit wacked, if you know what I like mean and stuff. Anywho, I like can't control myself and I've like made faces, ordered like cheeseburgers, and like yelled and stuff. Thanks for like bein' honest and stuff and thanks for like, ya know, answering questions and stuff. So, anywho, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Dear Viola...last night I got to see the HSBC choir sing....all the guys in the choir were soooo handsome! (and GREAT singers, obviously!! would have LOVED the song selection...and there was even a TUBIST in the group this year as an added bonus...really handsome man) I have to admit my eyes fell on a couple of them...Do you think it really matters that I am about 15 yrs. than them...would that really matter...I mean, what's an old single gal to do? Please give me some godly advice, I was awake all night thinking on this! Your devoted fan!!