Saturday, April 14, 2007

Keep those questions coming in. I am amazed at how wise I am sometimes. Ya know I don't think I had this much wisdom before I started taking THE MOST AMAZING HERBS ON EARTH.

I noticed the questions that I did get were about love and romance so I thought I'd write a small essay on the topic. Now you might say that because I'm single I'm not really qualified to speak on the subject, but you would be wrong to say that. Let me ask you this, if you are a lady and you are going to have a baby, do you disregard your male Doctor's orders because he's never had a baby? Well, then I would say I'm as qualified as anyone to speak on this most important topic. But you may be saying, "Oh but a Doctor studies for years, therefore he is qualified." Well, who says I haven't studied for years? First, I had parents that loved each other, and no matter how wreched their duets, they always thought they made lovely music together. Then I became old enough to watch TV. I grew up on a steady diet of Love Boat, Fantasy Island, Dallas and the like. A person couldn't possibly watch that kind of quality TV and not know a great deal about Love. Now that I am older I watch Dr. Phil and I have read all of Janette Oak's books that are entitled Love's .... (you fill in the blank) So if all that doesn't make me qualified, I don't know what will.

Alas, it seems I have taken up so much time giving all my qualifications I have not the time, energy, nor space to write about this topic today. Perhaps another time.

1 comment:

coffeechica said...

i'm itching with anticipation!!! :P