Thursday, April 26, 2007

Anybody still want the Easter Monster Suit?

Well, I finally dug up the old photo with me and Grandad on my first Easter. Now that you've seen the suit, I have a feeling there won't be so many people fighting over it.

I'll leave a longer message tomorrow. I have a blind date tonight with a guy named Tony. He sells THE MOST AMAZING HERBS ON EARTH too! He lives in a different selling district than I do. His Grandma set us up. (she's in my selling district, in fact I'm on her down line.) Anyway, if Tony is anything like his Grandma, he should be nice, smell like cheap Avon perfume, and wears nurses shoes with every outfit. I'll try to get a picture of Tony and I on our date. I'm not promising anything, since it could be weird to try to get a photo on a first date. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Religious Convention

I have recently become cyber friends with a number of people I found on blogspot. In a lot of their blogs I noticed that they have referred to an IHC. I was lost as to what this meant. Well, I did some research and figured out it is some sort of religious convention. I even listened to some of the sessions on the Internet. All this got me thinking about the religious conventions we attended when I was a kid. We attended because Dad and Mom often had to play for the Keynote sessions or lead choirs full of people who should have stopped singing 20 year previous.

Well, the most memorable Religious Convention we ever attended was when I was 9. We were still attending the FPC. (This was before Granddad got mad and left to become a FBC member. ) Anyway, the convention was being held this year in San Antonio, TX. We were really excited about seeing the sights and having a "refreshing time of religion". (That was the theme for that year.)
When we first got to San Antonio we went straight to the Convention Center. Oh what fun it was to see so many people. Many people were familiar, but several were new faces to us. Well, we went into what we thought was the main Auditorium and Dad and Mom started setting up their instruments and getting a sound check. I sat dutifully on the front row listening to their attempt at a classical arrangement of Ode to Joy. I noticed that people were starting to fill the Auditorium and someone stepped up to the Hammond Organ and started playing like gang busters. This was not the kind of music we were used to in the FPC! Mom and Dad did their best to keep up and I did my best to keep from getting danced on. I'd never been in any religious service like this in my life. People were twirling and singing loud and well, I think you get the picture. Then this preacher got up who reminded me of that little preacher on TV that slaps people on the head and they start shaking and stuff. Needless to say, Mom and Dad looked like a deer caught in headlights sitting up on the platform with their musical instruments and watching all the commotion. I was having fun with all this, after the initial shock. I had always had to sit quietly and read books during religious events and now we were dancing and laughing and having a good ole time. Well, three hours later the hilarity was finally over and Dad and Mom walked out of that place in utter dismay. What had become of their beloved FPC Convention? They also scolded me pretty harshly for dancing during a religious service. I innocently told them that I wasn't aware that we had been in a religious service.
Well, we walked out of that Auditorium and ran into an Elder from our local FPC and he said, "Isn't it wretched that we have to share the same Convention Center with those Snake Handlers?" Well, it all became clear right then. This group was also called the FPC, but their "P" in FPC and our "P" in FPC represented something quite different. Anyway, it took a couple of days for Dad and Mom to recover, but they did and we had a great time visiting with friends and attending religious services where the adults learned that it is spiritual to recycle and the children quietly looked at books.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The following is my reply to a question from Miss. Swamp. You can read her whole question on the comments of ASK VIOLA. I will sum it up here for you as well. Miss. Swamp is concerned that the Bank Employees are watching and even laughing at her when she is using the ATM. This has lead her to make faces, order food, and shout at the machine.

Miss. Swamp,

It is my Father who plays the Harp, my Mother plays the Tuba, but I can see how you could confuse the two.

As far as your ATM fixation. Well, yes the bank employees do watch you and they do laugh. The reason I know this is because my 6th job, was as a Bank Teller. Mondays are very slow at the bank so to spice things up a bit we had Maniac Monday. This is where all the bank employees sit around and watch the tapes from the ATM machine. We only would watch the tape from the previous weekend, since weekends are when most people use the ATM. We had categories that we voted on, such as Deepest nose picker, Best Primper, The Best Scratcher. Then we would pause the tape as each person walked up and we would bet to see which ones would do things like count using their fingers or pull out their "secret" pin number from their wallet, or try to talk to the machine. (this happens more than you think.) SO yes, Miss Swamp you are being watched and laughed at.
I would however, advise you not to order cheeseburgers or yell at the Machine. At my particular bank there was an employee named Dave. Dave felt a bit insecure about being a Teller. You see Dave felt that being a Teller was a woman's job and it was a bit of an identity crisis for him. It didn't help that Dave was, in fact, the only male Teller at the bank or in the town for that matter. He also was a tad bitter because, before working at the bank he had attended Yale Law School and had flunked out. So he really was a prime candidate for slipping over the edge. You see, you are not the only person who makes faces and yells at the ATM camera and each time an individual would do this Dave took it personally. Then the fateful day came when someone ordered a cheeseburger. It sent Dave over the edge. You see when Dave flunked out of Yale his advisor said, "Dave, I think you're more suited to flip burgers than to practise law." This struck Dave at the heart and he never really recovered from that harsh criticism. Well, Dave did some serious research to find the name and account number of the customer who ordered a cheeseburger. He liquidated all of the poor man's accounts and transferred his money into other people's accounts. He sold the man's personal information to every Liberal Charity organization known to man so that he was continually hounded with phone calls from the Arbor Day Foundation, The EPA, Greenpeace, and others that are just too numerous and hideous to put here in this article. Needless to say the poor man, who made the simple immature gesture of ordering a burger at the ATM to make the women he was taking on a blind date laugh, was ruined.
So Miss. Swamp I would suggest that you seek out some help for your little problem. You never know where the next Dave may be working.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Keep those questions coming in. I am amazed at how wise I am sometimes. Ya know I don't think I had this much wisdom before I started taking THE MOST AMAZING HERBS ON EARTH.

I noticed the questions that I did get were about love and romance so I thought I'd write a small essay on the topic. Now you might say that because I'm single I'm not really qualified to speak on the subject, but you would be wrong to say that. Let me ask you this, if you are a lady and you are going to have a baby, do you disregard your male Doctor's orders because he's never had a baby? Well, then I would say I'm as qualified as anyone to speak on this most important topic. But you may be saying, "Oh but a Doctor studies for years, therefore he is qualified." Well, who says I haven't studied for years? First, I had parents that loved each other, and no matter how wreched their duets, they always thought they made lovely music together. Then I became old enough to watch TV. I grew up on a steady diet of Love Boat, Fantasy Island, Dallas and the like. A person couldn't possibly watch that kind of quality TV and not know a great deal about Love. Now that I am older I watch Dr. Phil and I have read all of Janette Oak's books that are entitled Love's .... (you fill in the blank) So if all that doesn't make me qualified, I don't know what will.

Alas, it seems I have taken up so much time giving all my qualifications I have not the time, energy, nor space to write about this topic today. Perhaps another time.

Friday, April 13, 2007


I have been overwhelmed at how popular my blog has become. It has made me realize just how much I have to offer the world. Therefore, I will be starting a ASK VIOLA section on the blog. Just type in your questions on love, money, relationships, health, or the future and check back the next day for my amazing wisdom. I just want to be a servant.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It's Over, I sang!

Well, I have finally recovered from the family Easter Feast. It only took twelve Tums, 3 Tagamints, Two doses of Alkaselzer and one very long day of misery and I'm as right as rain. Not once did Grandma say, "Eat Girl" cause she didn't need to. I piled her high and deep. Ya know after that meal and two pieces of pie Granddad's Easter Monster suit doesn't look so bad.

Anyway, on to better things. Today I went back to the Dr. for the old plumbing issues. Things seem to be clearing up, if you know what I mean. It's amazing what a box of All-Bran and a dose of THE MOST AMAZING HERBS ON EARTH will do for you.

My Kitties are suffering from something, I'm not sure what it is. They keep running around from piece of furniture to piece of furniture like their some sort of spies or something. When I do catch a glimpse of them they seem to be rolling about and ramming their little heads into things. Very odd. My Aunt Louie said her ex-husband used to do that when his cable went out. However, I don't think this is the issue with my kitties since their cable is working fine. If you have any advise let me know.

Let me run something past you and you tell me what you think this means. I have recently started a new business selling THE MOST AMAZING HERBS ON EARTH. Actually that is the name of the product, "THE MOST AMAZING HERBS ON EARTH". This product is really amazing. I read that one lady had advanced cancer and suffered with planter warts in her feet and if that's not bad enough, her breath was enough to melt a car. Well, she started taking THE MOST AMAZING HERBS ON EARTH and She no longer has cancer, warts, or bad breath. In fact, she just said that her gray hair seem to be getting dark again. Isn't that amazing? Anyway, the guy who helped me get into the business (he would be on my upline) is single as well. He keeps calling me to see how the Herbs are selling and wants to know if they are helping my facial hair. Now maybe I'm reading something into it, but asking about my facial hair seems rather personal. I just can't help but wonder if he might like me as more than a downline recruit. I don't want to get my hopes up, but after all if THE MOST AMAZING HERBS ON EARTH can cure cancer maybe they can get me married. He is a really nice guy and has the most amazing head of hair, some would call it a mane. (this may be the result of using THE MOST AMAZING HERBS ON EARTH)

Well, it's getting late and I need to go. Tomorrow is a busy day, we have a meeting on how to convince your friends and family they need THE MOST AMAZING HERBS ON EARTH! Just think if I can sell 2485 cans of this amazing stuff, I get a free trip to the Dominican Republic!! I've never even been to Europe. Well, goodbye for now.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

I'm happy for you.

Well, it's almost Easter and I am dreading the family Easter dinner. Some people are all moved by tradition, but if you were a Williams you wouldn't be. This is a typical Easter in the Williams family. First we start off with one of those insanely early sunrise services. Has nobody ever considered a sunset service? Well, my grandad is a deacon at the church so he leads the sunrise service. (Probably, because the real Pastor has too much sense to get out that early.) He tries so hard to do a good job and I can appreciate his effort. After church we head to Aunt Louie's house, where we are forced to suffer through my parent's playing a retched Tuba/Harp rendition of "UP from the Grave He Arose". It is a lovely song, but not when my parents play it. Then we are expected to eat, not just eat, but gorge. My grandma will say to me at least 15 times, "Viola, you'll never get a man being that skinny girl, EAT!" Little does grandma know, that Marilyn Monroe would be considered a porker today, so I am perfectly safe in that department. Well, next comes the part I love most, all the men in the family go to the back porch to eat chocolate bunnies after lunch and we "ladies" clean up. Next, Grandad puts on his homemade Easter Bunnie costume...It still freaks me out. After all my little cousins are in corners cowering in fear of the great Easter monster, we coax them out and make them run around the lawn looking for plastic eggs filled with cheap candy left over from when I was a kid. I'll have to post a picture of my Grandad and I several years ago when I was wetting my pants in fear sitting on his lap while he wore the "Easter Monster" outfit It's very touching.

So if you're family get together is better than mine, good for you, I'm happy for you, really I am.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

On Views, bowels, and Cats

I was thinking this morning how important it is to have a positive outlook on life. Unfortunately, this is not my forte. I'm not really negative, but the ridiculous act of always insisting upon seeing the glass as half-full can be nauseating at best. People who are forever, trying to squeeze the really raunchy things of life into some happy little box of "good reason" make me want to puke.

Last week I went to the Dr. for a check up on my, less than active digestive tract. I know most people prefer not to speak of such things, but lets face it, you've been plugged before too. Don't try to deny it. Too much cheese can do it to the most "regular" of us.

Well, I should close for now, my 13 kitties need to be fed. I think I'm really going to love this blogging thing, it is really an outlet for the deep thoughts I have, but never get to share.